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January 5, 2018
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Tokyo Japan

An Exciting Experience

Tokyo is Japan's capital and the country's largest city. The city of Tokyo started as a small castle town in the 16th century called Edo. It later became Japan's political center in 1603. Tokugawa Leyasu established his government in previous years there. After many years

Edo had grown into one of the world's most populated cities. After 1868 when the emperor and the city were moved to Edo the city was renamed Tokyo. The city itself consists of 23 city wards, 26 cities, 5 towns and 8 villages, it also has the Ogasawara islands. There are about Eight million people living in Tokyo.

Here are some very interesting Restaurants

The following Restaurants are not to be missed if visiting Tokyo.

Las Chicas

The food is seafood and grilled, Lots of bar-type snacks and Thai Chilli. In the summer it has an open patio which is wonderful. Sip on a chilled Chardonnay and enjoy the scenery.Address: 5-47-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku. Telephone: (03)3407-6865.

Pink Cow

A Fun-Funky -low Key Restaurant with a backstreet location. Traci is the owner who likes to groove to the occasional short-film festival events. If you have a taste for the unusual art, visit the restaurant. Food is great and reasonable, with buffet every Friday and Saturday. Expect a groovy time.Address: 1-3-18 Shibuya, Villa Moderna B1F, Shibuya-ku. Telephone: (03)3406-5597.

Ben’s Café

This is a local Cafe New York Style. It includes a terrace which is great for the summer months. The Cafe features occasional art shows has film screenings, live music, and poetry readings. The menu also has soup, salad or savory quiche of your choice. The staff is incredibly friendly and also speak English. Address: 1-29-21 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku. Telephone: (03)3202-2445.


This is an interesting atmosphere of junk-shop furniture. Here the Margaritas are huge and to-die-for delicious. The restaurant has Tex-Mex cantina food and very tasty indeed. The evenings there is a DJ bar, how fun. Be sure to see the Day of the Dead figurines and Virgin of Guadalupe icons, Lucha Libre masks, primitive murals and battered junk-shop furniture at the scene at Junkadelic. Address: 4-10-4 Kami-Meguro, Meguro-ku. Telephone: (03)5725-5020.

Good Honest Grub

This very delectable Eatery is homey and satisfying with homestyle flavor. The chef here is Canadian Don Foley and the dishes include Eggs Benedict. Be sure to come to the weekend brunches with the wonderful treats that Don Foley the chef makes. The dessert is heavenly and will melt in your mouth. Address: 2-20-8 Shibuya-ku Higashi.

Tokyo Fashion

Tokyo is regarded very highly in the Fashion World. During the previous Fashion Week, the following designers were featured: Kazuaki Takashima, Hiroyuki, KAMISHIMA CHINAMI, Tayuka Nakanishi and many others. Fashion week is starting again in October, which no doubt will be an exciting event.

Aoyama District In Tokyo

This district features all the High Fashion Boutiques in Japan. Here every major Japanese and foreign designer is represented. If you love fashion this is where one must go. Just look at the wonderful window displays and latest fashions!

Brazilian Carnaval - Rio de Janeiro

The Biggest Party On Earth

My friends just told me about their travels to Rio's Carnival in Brazil. I spent some time in Brazil myself and it brings back memories of the excitement and energy of Rio. The Carnival takes place in the summer and it's the most exciting event on Earth. The dancers have beautiful bodies and some run naked through the streets to show off. The festival attracts thousands of people and tourists all over the world. Apparently, it's Mardi-Gras which is a 4-day celebration. The celebration starts on Saturday and ends on Mardi-Gras which is called Fat Tuesday.

The Samba is a very exciting and arousing dance, I get turned on by just listening to the music. Brazil owes much of it's music to Africa. This is the most famous dance--the Samba. It started in a house of a woman freed from Africa named Tia Ciata. It went into downtown to Brazil in a spot today is the Terrierao do Samba which is next to the Sambodrome. Brazil has many people with a variety of cultural backgrounds.

The native American Indians were the first Portuguese settlers and the official language is Portuguese. Many Brazilian citizens have a mixture of several bloodlines. There are the Native Americans that were supposedly eradicated long ago. The ancestors of the African slaves are still around as well as the Europeans. The good thing about the Brazilians is that they don't tend to look at skin color they just focus on Social Class.

Shanghai - Modern China

Shanghai--is a truly fascinating city. It has been the most prosperous city since 1930 its popularity continues to this day. Its city is on the estuary of Yangtze River. It is known mainly for tourism which comes in from all over the world. Shanghai is one of the most sophisticated cities in term of its economic growth. T he couture and financial aspects make it the most sought after country in East China. It is an example of the new technologies and advanced China has made.

The city has many glamorous aspects, just looking at its skyscrapers. As one of the most modern cities in the world and one of the most fascinating. The shopping center is along  Nanjing Road, starts going east and ends west along  Jing'an Temple and Yan'an West Street. This is a popular fashion center that attracts thousands of people that are into fashion that come there to see this incredible metropolitan center. Also see these tourist attractions which include: Shanghai Museum, Jade Buddha Temple, Yuyuan Garden, Oriental Pearl, Nanjing Road.


My Favorite Daydream Fantasies --- Sweden Now that it's officially summer, it's time to be a little lazy. Take some time, get out in the open, and stare up at the blue sky. Summer is here in the Southland and vacation time is near. Lots of hobbies to pursue. Should I plan a vacation or trip to Europe or Asia? I would love to visit Sweden.

In Sweden, summer days are long and warm and light. The sky darkens briefly to twilight, then lightens again. There is something alluring about an evening that knows no darkness. You get the calmness of night without its pathology, and you can see the people you are with. It's hard to imagine a better time for a party, and for Swedes, the Midsummer party is always the best. The thought of this just fills me with desire and makes my mood so romantic.

I would love to see Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmo they are all modern, and bustling with action and offer all the attractions of big city living.  These cities also have many forests and have sandy beaches and beautiful crystal clear lakes. We could stroll along the beaches and hold each other's hand experiencing nature.

Summertime in Stockholm is fantastic.

It's wonderful to go for an early walk in the morning. The air is so fresh and clean. Local folks are already on the beaches of Stockholm which are really clean. The most popular spots for swimming are Langholmen and Sodermalm. There are many others you just have to inquire with the locals.

Let's take a wonderful boat ride from Stockholm city center among the islands to Drottningholm Palace. It would be so exciting to see, the  Palace Theatre opera house which has been preserved from the 18th century as well as the costumes and authentic instruments. Let's not forget to go take a cruise on the MS Ceres along the historic Gota Canal. Summer is celebrated in June, I remember as a little girl visiting my grandparents, the way people collect flowers and decorate the doorways, I would love to go back and experience the festivities.

Midsummer Celebration

The celebration of Midsummer which is the longest day of the year is the most important holiday in Sweden. It is the most important celebration in Scandinavia in Sweden as well as in Finland. So much fun could be experienced traveling to different cities in the world.

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February 24, 2017
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Love those Movies

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January 5, 2018
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Tiffany Champagne

Elite Los Angeles Model
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