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Los Angeles and Beverly Hills Restaurants

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March 10, 2017
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The Los Angeles area has many fantastic restaurants.

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I researched them especially for you. These are just a few of many. These suggestions you will find helpful whether you are hosting a business dinner or entertaining your favorite date. I will review new restaurants from time to time as I frequent new ones.

I also will review some of the hot spots of Los Angeles as many new ones are becoming more popular. So stay tuned for new updates and keep checking back.

These are a few favorite restaurants I love dining in:


Spago-Beverly Hills

176 North Canon Dr. Beverly Hills 90210

It's Wolfgang Puck's restaurant the cuisine is fabulous some of the famous dishes are "Chino Farms Beet Layer Cake and Prime Cote Boeuf for Two among many others. Service is fabulous and the atmosphere energy packed, everyone is talking very loud. Definitely, the place to go if visiting Los Angeles and celebrity watching. The menu changes seasonally. The setting is elegant it's a favorite of many celebrities.


Cut-Beverly Hills

9500 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca 90212

Cut has a very modern setting and is designed by Richard Meier, who also designed the Getty Center.  The steaks are superb. The menu has different variations and includes USDA Prime Kobe style beef and other variations of beef. The waiters are extremely attentive. If you are a steak lover this is the restaurant for you. Very exquisite modern setting. It was noisy when I was there but exciting and electric energy.


Arnie Morton's Steakhouse

Beverly Hills, 435 S. LaCienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048

Beverly Hills is just one of its locations here described. If you are a steak connoisseur this is the restaurant for you. The specialty here is steak and the lobster is quite good too. USA prime-aged steak is one choice, the Filet Mignon is excellent. Service is wonderful, here you could snuggle up to your date. Very intimate setting and low lit. A romantic atmosphere. Very discreet. Also very popular with celebrities,  I once saw Sean Connery there having a special party in the banquet room. For intimate setting and atmosphere and select dishes, I highly recommend this restaurant.


Mastro's Steakhouse

246 N. Canon Drive Los Angeles, Ca 90210

Restaurant with live entertainment the menu has a large variety of choices from fish to steak dishes and extensive wine list. Superb menu with various choices. Great service, Located in the heart of Beverly Hills.



9646 Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills Ca 90210

Crustacean has Euro-Vietnamese cuisine and a fabulous atmosphere.  When one enters the restaurant and walks through the cocktail lounge you will see the little fish in the aquarium below. The restaurant has a French Colonial style of decor.  Attentive waiters cater to your wishes. Depending on the seating it's possible to be intimate with your date. Dining here is a very enticing and tasty experience, it's some new cuisine with a different flavor.


Mr. Chow

344 N. Camden Drive Los Angeles, Ca 90210.

Definitely a class act, I hear it's a London import, no wonder it's great. The energy here sizzles with excitement and one time I saw Paris Hilton there. Fabulous service. Mr. Chow's is a hot spot for celebrities and tourists, but a bit hard for an intimate setting.
Recommended for first-time visitors to Beverly Hills area. The décor is stylishly artsy,  with works by Andy Warhol on its walls.  Superb Chinese Menu, I love their authentic dishes and the dumplings are my favorite here.  It is a magnificent experience to be enjoyed and remembered.


The Ivy

113 Robertson Blvd  Los Angeles, Ca 90048

This stylish California restaurant and were Chic crowd hangs out. You will see a celebrity of two here. You will get the feeling of Hollywood here. I love the picket white fence. If you are into people watching this is an extra fun place. A fun place to take your date. The woody furniture, beautiful flowers, roses add to the romantic feel. I love Crab Cakes here.....so delicious.....YUM, yum
Another favorite is the Ceasar salad, The Ivy specialty. Don't be surprised to find one of your favorite celebrities here.


WP 24

900 West Olympic Boulevard  Los Angeles, CA 90015

WP 24 is located in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. My date and I decided to dine at WP 24 as I had been given tickets to go to Staples Center to see The Lakers Game and since the restaurant is next to Staples it made it very convenient.

The restaurant itself looks space-age modern it is located on the 24th floor of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The view of downtown Los Angeles is the most breath-taking spectator I have seen.  One feels like they are seeing the whole city. I had the dumpling appetizer which was fantastic followed by their crispy duck, the food is outstanding. Staples Center is almost next door and extremely convenient access. After our dinner, we went to the Lakers Game and it was a double treat.


The Bouchon

235 N Canon Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

This beautiful dining room takes your breath away with a very nostalgic French atmosphere. Almost as though someone turned back the clock and we are in France in the 40's. The booths are comfy and high ceilings indulge you into a feeling of a Parisian ambiance. The service is fabulous.

My date and I ordered a dozen perfect oysters, Heh heh oysters are an aphrodisiac. We received fabulous recommendations regarding our dishes as the waiters went out their way with recommendations. As always I loved the lamb dish.
My date had duck which he said was outstanding. Then we ordered dessert from the menu.

The restaurant has a very authentically French ambiance and was incredible. I could see why The  Bouchon is a four-star restaurant. I want to have a date take me here again soon, as French cuisine is one of my favorite and so is anything French.

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Beverly HillsLos Angeles
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January 5, 2018
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Tiffany Champagne

Elite Los Angeles Model
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